Join us in Creating Leaders of Change
Realms Schools are part of the Bend-La Pine Public School District. Our mission is to give students the academic and character-building skills they need to reach their potential as learners and leaders.
Our Mission
At Realms Schools our mission is to foster scholarship, strengthen community, and inspire stewardship through active learning.
What is EL Education
EL Education emerged from a partnership between Harvard School of Education and Outward Bound blending the character-infused philosophy of Outward Bound with an active approach to learning crafted by leading Harvard scholars.
Higher Achievement & Greater Engagement
The EL Education network is now a thriving collection of over 150 schools dedicated to challenging students to think critically and take active roles in their classrooms and communities.
Support our Mission
Expeditionary Learning takes our kids out of the classroom and into the community for hands-on lessons as Leaders of Change. Friends of Realms fundraises to create these field work and service based opportunities for students.
Join the Friends of Realms Board
The Friends of Realms Board is responsible for Fundraising and the Disbursement of Funds and is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the fieldwork and elective programs at Realms Schools.
Parent Action Crew
Both Schools have an active Parent Action Crew dedicated to helping support events at the school and fundraisers put on by Friends of Realms.
Join Us